Saturday, December 10, 2011

Construction has begun!

Construction has begun on the first home at Amani Baby Cottage! You may wonder, "Where are the cement trucks? Where are the brick trucks? Where are the lumber trucks?" You see the wheelbarrow? Then you see the "truck". The larger house in the background is the future home of infants and ABC offices. The home being built is one of three cottages that are planned for housing the children. WE NEED TO GET THERE SOON! We are grateful to those that have pledged support and those praying for us. Our house here in Houston has undergone a huge transformation...."clean sweep". If someone in our family is looking for something, I tell them "if it wasn't nailed down or if it didn't fit into a suitcase, then it isn't here any more!" I think they are scared I will sell their beds while they are awake and their possesions while they are asleep! lol Seriously, we are giving away, selling, and tossing anything we can to make the move to Jinja Uganda Africa. We keep the vision in our hearts.....we are going to build homes and hold precious hearts in our hands. God will honor David and Courtney for giving what they think is their best. This house is full of memories, laughter, tears and changes. I have pictures, scrapbooks and my heart to hold all of those. Now, we are going to a new place that will bring new memories, laughter, tears and changes. Soon, I hope to post the funds that have been raised and pledged and what amount is still needed for our journey. Reread just the colored words in this post....they explain it all.

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