Thursday, December 29, 2011

Duffle Bags for Christmas!

'Twas the week after Christmas
And all through the house,
Not a grandchild is stirring,
It's too quiet even for a mouse.
The stockings are packed away,
The ornaments stored with care.
Our last Christmas in TX,
Next year Uganda, we'll be there.
Now, Grandpa and Grandma sit in the living room,
Reflecting and planning ahead.
We are so thankful we were all together,
Our hearts and spirits were fully fed!
We pray you had a great season,
Celebrating with family and friends.
We are thankful for you our readers
To you our love we send.

We are continuing on our journey. A big decision was made this week: we want to sell our  house. This will be a HUGE undertaking for us.  Dustin was home for Christmas, but will be leaving on Dec 31. We don't want to see him go, but he is working out of state. That means the work here to prepare the house will need lots of hands. We hope to have work days and you can come enjoy the time with us: painting, repairing, painting, laying a kitchen floor, packing, painting, rearranging, did I mention painting yet? Well, we are excited to have made the decision, but wow, after 25 years in this house, this is a big change for us. On January 7, we will have our 34th wedding anniversary. God has been so faithful to us and our family. We look forward on the path He is leading and see His faithfulness even more on this big adventure! Stay tuned for more news on work days etc.

And he exclaimed as he rode out of sight
"And to all, a good night!"


  1. Let me know what i can help you with. i am a terrible painter just letting you know.

    victoria gaxiola

  2. Ahhhhh I wish I could be there to help you paint! Niece Danyne
